Just back from a weeks holiday in menorca where nothing untoward happened so perhaps the minor concerns are to do with tiredness and declining energy resources. But on the other hand there is now this new drug solanezumab which is said to tackle the progress of Alzheimer's but only if it is given in the early stages so early diagnosis is essential. Therefore how does one know which symptoms are worth noting and responding to?
Monday, 27 July 2015
Saturday, 11 July 2015
July 11th
A couple of days ago I fell getting onto the train. A young woman offered to help me get up but though feeling bruised I brushed her offer aside because I was feeling so embarrassed. A little later I tripped again getting onto my local bus. I'm assuming this is just another sign of ageing, becoming clumsy. I already hang onto handrails whenever I go downstairs.
What I've also noticed that when the wrong word comes out of my mouth - yesterday for example I wanted to say cackle but treacle appeared instead - that the wrong word is very close either in spelling, location, or meaning to the desired word. Therefore I might say fridge when I mean cooker as often happens or call my daughter by her mother's name. It as if the memory searches for the right word in a filing cabinet but just misses and chooses another one that is close by instead.
July 7th
I was walking my grand daughter up the stairs this morning and I couldn't work out which foot she was putting forward first as I was trying to teach her left and right. Then I had difficulty for a moment working out left and right with my own feet. Later in the day I told my drama group that I would be away next week when in reality it was the following week.
In a couple of weeks the person from Brains for Dementia is coming for a follow up visit. Two years ago I scored a good 49 out of 50. It will be interesting if we repeat the test what my score now will be. With this project you agree to donate your brain for research into Dementia.